Obecný úrad Malá Mača
Hlavná ul. č. 127/46
Malá Mača
SK-925 21
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 31 701 83 22,
+421 31 701 83 23
fax: +421 31 701 83 21
GPS: N 48.223221°, E 017.643043°
mayor: starosta@obecmalamaca.sk
office: urad@obecmalamaca.sk
finance department: ekonom@obecmalamaca.sk
Village Malá Mača
A verbal plea to people tells us that the village was very old and there when the neighboring Dióseg village today was not Sládkovičova. The church of the village, built by the Arpads. During the Turkish rule, Turkish invasions suffered greatly in the former Hungarian village. In order to protect the population against it, they left the village around the church and moved to the place where the present village is located. This place was then a marshmallow, mapped by the dense, almost impenetrable floodplain forests that provide the population with adequate protection from the Turkish attacks.