Contract detailno.: 2/07/2021
Contract: Zmluva o dielo
- Contract no.2/07/2021
- Subject of the contractKlub mladých - zväčšenie otvoru v nosnej stene
- price13 137,46 EUR Tizenháromezerszázharminchét 46/100
- Date of taking effect of contract14.7.2021
- Date of termination of contract30.8.2021
- Date of conclusion/giving consent with conclusion of contract13.7.2021
- Date of publication13.7.2021
- 1. Contracting partyFrantišek Hontvári
- Ino37842358
- TINo2021699416
- AddressHlavná
- Telephone0917549477
- Web
- 2. Contracting partyLEMAC, s.r.o.
- Ino50 439 243
- TINo2120327385
- Address925 01 Matúškovo 55
- Telephone
- E-mail
- Web
- Name of signing personIng. František Hontvári
- Position of signing personstarosta - polgármester
- note
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