Contract detailno.: 1/01/2021
Contract: Dodatok č. 2 k zmluve zo dňa 17.01.2003
- Contract no.1/01/2021
- Subject of the contractZmluva o zriadení spoločnej úradovne
- price300,00 EUR tristo
- Date of taking effect of contract31.12.2022
- Date of termination of contract1.1.2021
- Date of conclusion/giving consent with conclusion of contract1.1.2021
- Date of publication5.1.2021
- 1. Contracting partyObec Malá Mača
- Ino37842358
- TINo
- Address
- Telephone
- E-mail
- Web
- 2. Contracting partyObec Pusté Úľany
- Ino00306134
- TINo
- AddressHlavná 91/208, Pusté Úľany
- Telephone
- E-mail
- Web
- Name of signing personIng. František Hontvári
- Position of signing personstarosta
- note
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